Friday Funnies

Friday Funnies - April 13th

Mark Theriot  NO REALLY it was this big No, REALLY  . . . It Was THIS BIG!!

Courtship and mating season are an awesome time for wildlife photographers, I love the shows that are put on!  Many species are at their most colorful and you can always count on a fight breaking out early on.

Males can suffer in many ways, loosing a fight is just one of them.  I've seen many male Cormorants (like the ones above) put on the most detailed courtship dance . . . to a female that could care less, or wose yet - to one that was "already married"!

It's spring, and love is in the air!

Stay focused,


Friday Funnies - April 6th

MCT 03 2012 03 20 2012 2168 Yea, You'd Better Run!!!!

One of the neat benefits about nature photography is the opportunity to observe the creatures you're seeking to capture.  We can spend so much time around our subjects that we learn a tremendous amount about their behavior through the long hours of observation.  Over time, I've learned (and enjoyed) the courtship rituals of many birds and water fowl.  I can usually tell when a fight is going to breakout - or when I fish has been spied by a heron.

In addition to just being plain down right fascinating, you can use this behavioral information to your advantage.  I'd been watching a mating pair of Canada Geese as I saw another one looking for a place to land.  I knew if he landed too close to the others that he was going to get run off.  I prepared for the opportunity and was easily able to get a nice series of shots.

Waiting around for the perfect shot can either be boring or educational - your choice!

Stay in focus,


Friday Funnies - March 16th

MCT 03 2012 03 16 2012 2092 Just Hanging Around . . . Waiting for a Chance to Split

Sometimes you just never know what the lens of your camera will find - so take it as it comes!

I've seen others create images with this pose - and have actively tried to get my own for the past several years with no success.  While chasing a Wood Duck recently (also with no success) - this little fellow decided to pose right in front of me for a few seconds.

  • First lesson learned:  All the shots you're looking for will come your way . . . but it will be in nature's time, not necessarily yours.
  • Second lesson learned:  That shot may come your way and only stay for a moment - so be prepared.  Understand your equipment, settings and exposure requirements intimately so you can switch on the fly - and take advantage of the beauty nature has chosen to place in front of you.

Stay in focus,
