There is beauty and great images to be found in everything - don't overlook the obvious just because "it's always there".
We can't all live where the fantastic shots are everyday occurrences - but we certainly can get creative with what we do have to work with. Find what is regular and common in your particular area (for me it's gulls, Canada Geese and squirrels) and work on different concepts and techniques. Work on identifying and photographing your common subjects on the "perfect" background. Spend some time with these commoners and look for interesting behavior or quirky composition.
It'll help put the fun back in your photography - and that's the primary idea anyway, right? Good photography is what you're able to find interesting in a subject - not the interesting stuff that just lays around for everyone to capture.
Who knows, the local squirrel may even give you the "thumbs up" for not overlooking him!
Stay in focus,